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Water Closet IWC, EWC

Wall hung Water Closet (EWC), Urinal

Install a water meter and a Wash basin

Install Kitchen sink and a Bath tub

Installation of Open type and concealed flushing cistern

Rain water harvesting, Gutter, Pipes

Water Closet IWC, EWC

Wall hung Water Closet (EWC), Urinal

Install a water meter and a Wash basin

Install Kitchen sink and a Bath tub

Installation of Open type and concealed flushing cistern

Rain water harvesting, Gutter, Pipes

Water Closet IWC, EWC

Wall hung Water Closet (EWC), Urinal

Install a water meter and a Wash basin

Install Kitchen sink and a Bath tub

Installation of Open type and concealed flushing cistern

Rain water harvesting, Gutter, Pipes

Water Closet IWC, EWC

Wall hung Water Closet (EWC), Urinal

Install a water meter and a Wash basin

Install Kitchen sink and a Bath tub

Installation of Open type and concealed flushing cistern

Rain water harvesting, Gutter, Pipes

Water Closet IWC, EWC

Wall hung Water Closet (EWC), Urinal

Install a water meter and a Wash basin

Install Kitchen sink and a Bath tub

Installation of Open type and concealed flushing cistern

Rain water harvesting, Gutter, Pipes

Water Closet IWC, EWC

Wall hung Water Closet (EWC), Urinal

Install a water meter and a Wash basin

Install Kitchen sink and a Bath tub

Installation of Open type and concealed flushing cistern

Installation of Open type and concealed flushing cistern

Rain water harvesting, Gutter, Pipes

Water Closet IWC, EWC

Wall hung Water Closet (EWC), Urinal

Install a water meter and a Wash basin

Install Kitchen sink and a Bath tub

Installation of Open type and concealed flushing cistern

Rain water harvesting, Gutter, Pipes

Water Closet IWC, EWC

Wall hung Water Closet (EWC), Urinal

Install a water meter and a Wash basin

Install Kitchen sink and a Bath tub

Installation of Open type and concealed flushing cistern

Rain water harvesting, Gutter, Pipes

Water Closet IWC, EWC

Wall hung Water Closet (EWC), Urinal

Install a water meter and a Wash basin

Install Kitchen sink and a Bath tub

Installation of Open type and concealed flushing cistern