Craftsmen Training Scheme

  • Study Material
  • Employability Skills
  • Question Bank
  • Mock Test
  • QP and Curriculum
  • E-Learning

Finance Executive Ebooks

Trade Practical

Trade Theory

Workshop Calculation & Science

Engineering Drawing

Finance Executive Videos

Disposal of Waste Material Part-1

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Disposal of Waste Material Part -2

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Personal Protective Equipment Part-1

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Personal Protective Equipment Part-2

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Rescue and Treat a Person Who is in Contact with a Live Wire | Part-1

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Safety Practice - Fire Fighting

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Safety Practice - Safety Signs

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Safety Practice - Road signs & Road signals V Out

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Safety practice first aid treatment of electric shock treatment for electric burn and serve bleeding

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Standard and Standardisation | Part - 1

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Standard and Standardisation | Part - 2

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Conductors and Semiconductors

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Response to Emergencies - Power failure, System failure & Fire

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Importance of Safety

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Importance of Housekeeping

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Safety practice first aid treatment of electric shock treatment for electric burn and serve bleeding

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Communication skills

courtesy :NIMI

7 habits of highly effective people (personality development)

courtesy :NIMI

Interview Techniques

courtesy :NIMI

Stress Management

courtesy :NIMI

Transactional analysis

courtesy :NIMI

Finance Executive Question Bank

Employability Skills - 1st Year

Employability Skills - 1st Year

Mock Test for ITI Students

ITI CBT Exam process | ITI CBT Exam कैसे करें
Finance Executive

Courtesy :DET Haryana

S.No. Week No. / Chapter Topics Videos Link
1 1 Week / Develop communication skill on English language. General Introduction to Programme. Orientation to vowels and Consonants, word making, and Pronunciation.
2 2,5 Week / Identify and select various official English languages for official works. Functional Grammar , developing grammatically correct statements- written and verbal
3 2,5 Week / Identify and select various official English languages for official works. Reading – purpose, skimming take the best part, scanning reading with attention, cognates relative words, text structures, Writing – how to put thoughts in written texts, minimizing errors, crosschecking for errors, filing reports.
4 6,8 Week / Generate a personalized informal official letter of appropriate structure complying with MS office applications. Computer overview Office Application- MS word Office Applications – MS Excel Office Applications – MS PowerPoint Basic Internet application
5 9,10 Week / Display competence in oral, written, and visual communication. Speaking – how to express yourself verbally, importance of good spoken communication in any field of advancement Business Communication – verbal
6 11 Week / Apply safe working practices with OSH legislations in India. Accident prevention techniques, Occupational Safety and Health legislations in India
7 12,13 Week / Select the appropriate search engines for creation of document and data record with proper internet skill. Advanced internet application Business Applications and IT Business Communication- Written
8 15 Week / Display competence in oral, written, and visual communication. Social / Formal etiquettes                            Introduction to quality consciousness
9 15 Week / Identify, select the conceptual skills and quantitative skills in an economic context as per Indian scenario.. Social / Formal etiquettes                            Introduction to quality consciousness
10 16-17 Week / Identify, select the conceptual skills and quantitative skills in an economic context as per Indian scenario. Basics of Economics – an overview of micro and macro economics, theory of demand and supply, production, markets, GDP, inflation, wage market, basic concept of employment
11 16-17 Week / Identify, select the conceptual skills and quantitative skills in an economic context as per Indian scenario. Introduction to Indian economy Concepts of National Economic Planning    Quality concepts and Quality Tools
12 18-19 Week / Identify, select the conceptual skills and quantitative skills in an economic context as per Indian scenario. Concepts of Happy Capitalism, Trickle up Theory, Increasing Marginal Utility, Survival of the Weakest
13 18-19 Week / Identify, select the conceptual skills and quantitative skills in an economic context as per Indian scenario. Advanced Executive Communication                        Concepts in TQM and ISO Detailed quality specifications of an entrepreneur – business leader, analytical mind Market Feedbacks and business decisions; market intelligence, Business environment and entrepreneurship
14 20-21 Week / Practiced a range of recognized time management techniques Time Management Introduction to Entrepreneurship , who can become an entrepreneur, how can entrepreneur start his venture
15 20-21 Week / Practiced a range of recognized time management techniques National Economic Planning and how India may grow faster? Critical detailing of the economic development vis a vis the most optimal development strategy Introduction to Quality parameters
16 27 Week / Identify, select and apply the key terms, theories /concepts and practices within the field of financial management. Introduction Syllabus review Course expectations Content introduction and class resources Pedagogy of the curriculum Introduction to various forms of teaching mechanisms which will include role-plays, case-studies specific to marketing How to read a case and draft out solutions
17 27 Week / Identify, select and apply the key terms, theories /concepts and practices within the field of financial management. Financial statements Principal Financial statements like Balance Sheet, profit and Loss and cash flows Method of presentation and limitations thereof Understanding Balance sheet and principal ratios dealing with liquidity, turnover, leverage and efficiency. How users of accounting information interpret the Balance Sheet .Importance of cash flows and how information regarding operating, investing and financing is obtained.
18 28 Week / Develop and apply the skill in financial market. Identify funding sources, instruments, and markets. Understanding The World Of Finance Introducing the Indian Securities Markets and it’s overview: Meaning, Nature, Products, Participants, Functions, Growth & Statistics, Legal Framework.
19 29 Week / Develop and apply the skill in financial market. Identify funding sources, instruments, and markets. Understanding the stock markets The World of Stocks: Electronic order-driven market. Why the stock market is a good investment Why the stock market gets out of whack with reality Recommended ways to invest in the stock market.
20 30 Week / Develop and apply the skill in back office operations, understand trading mechanism, companies capital structure, trading approaches and risk associated. How to use the trading system Depositories – The Technology Advantage: How does the demat system work? Organization Structure of Depository Services offered by depository. Trading Mechanism: Different market orders types – their order books & Order types Different market phases – logging on & off during these phases.
21 30 Week / Develop and apply the skill in back office operations, understand trading mechanism, companies capital structure, trading approaches and risk associated. Inquiry Screen Trading Functions: Market Watch, Security Descriptor,Market by Price, Previous Trades, Outstanding orders, Activity Log, Order Status, Market Movement, Market, Inquiry, Security List, Multiple index Broadcast & graph, Online Backup, Basket trading.
22 31 Week / Develop and apply the skill in back office operations, understand trading mechanism, companies capital structure, trading approaches and risk associated. Clearing and settlement Clearing & Settlement System: Transaction cycle Settlement process, agencies & cycle Securities & Funds settlement Shortages handling Dematerialization & electronic transfer of securities Investor protection fund Clearing software Risk Management Risk Containment Measures: Capital adequacy requirements; Margins; Settlement guarantee Margin Trading: Requirements;
23 32 Week / Develop and apply the skill in back office operations, understand trading mechanism, companies capital structure, trading approaches and risk associated. Company & capital formation Company & Capital Formation: Equity, Debt, IPO, Public issue, Rights & Bonus Capital Structure and Cost of Capital Concept of Dividends Capital Budgeting Time Value of Money: Future Value of Single Cash Flow Future Value of an Annuity Present Value of a Single Cash Flow Present Value of an Annuity
24 34 Week / Identify Stock Picking and Analysis of Financial Statements Stock Picking & Timing the Buy & Sell When to Buy & When to Sell Dow Theory – price indications to buy & sell On Balance Theory – Volume indications to buy & Sell Moving Average – Resistance & Support RSI – Overbought & Oversold markets Working on momentum & Stop Loss Class Test Number Two
25 35 Week / Analyze the Debt markets and its Components. Understanding Debt markets Components The basic concepts of different types of debt instruments (G-secs, T-bills, CPs, Bonds and CDs). Insights into the Indian debt market, its various components, the trading mechanism of debt instruments in stock exchanges, bond valuation and so on. To understand the fundamental features and trading of debt instruments on NSE-WDM.Environment Regulatory and procedural aspects related to debt market.
26 36 Week / Analyze the Debt markets and its Components. Understanding Currency Derivatives Market Introducing the Derivatives Market: Why have derivatives Defining derivatives Types of derivatives Derivatives – product, participants and functions Skill Development: Understanding the fundamentals of the currency market. Understand the currency futures as a risk management tool.
27 36 Week / Analyze the Debt markets and its Components. Learning about the trading platform of the currency derivatives segment of a stock exchange. Interplay: Opportunities for arbitraging with the Spot Market. Learning about beta and standard deviation How Portfolio diversification reduces risk
28 37 Week / Analyze the Debt markets and its Components. Understanding The World of Commodity Derivatives Commodity Derivatives: Difference between commodity and financial derivatives
29 Week / Analyze the Debt markets and its Components. The NCDEX & MCX platform Opportunity in Commodity Markets: Migration from Equity to Futures & Futures to Commodity Futures Growth & Future of commodity market Basics of different commodity traded
30 38 Week / Analyze the Equity Futures Market and related models. Understanding the Equity Futures Market Futures and Stock Index: Understanding Index futures Margins & Settlements How to read the futures data sheet; Selecting the right Index Pricing of Futures : Futures prices models – Overview Cost of carry model for perfect & imperfect markets Class Test Number Three
31 39 Week / Analyze the Equity Futures Market and related models. Understanding the Equity Options Market What are Options: Call option Put option Option styles; Option concepts & terminologies Advantages of option Trading Pricing of Options : Options prices models – Overview; Review of options pricing factors Black & Scholes Model
32 40 Week / Identify, select and analyze the Mutual Funds Market. Mutual funds- Pros and cons Risk Diversification. Basic understanding the concept of mutual funds.The different players and their respective roles viz., custodians, asset management companies, sponsor etc. in the mutual fund industry. Learning about the tax and regulatory issues relating to mutual funds.
33 40 Week / Identify, select and analyze the Mutual Funds Market. Understand the fundamentals of net asset value (NAV) computation and various investment plans. Mechanism Broad types of Financial assets in which investment is made in Mutual funds. Types of funds - equity, index, diversified large cap funds, midcap fund, sector fund and other equity schemes; Open ended versus close ended schemes Exchange Traded funds
34 41 Week / Identify, select and analyze the Mutual Funds Market. Mutual funds –Products and features Business Development Role and objectives of AMFI; Different types of plans; Systematic Investment Plan (SIP); Systematic Transfer Plan (STP) and Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP); Dividend payout. Types of funds - equity, index, diversified large cap funds, midcap fund, sector fund and other equity schemes; Concept of entry and exit load; Expense ratio; Portfolio turnover; AUM; Analysis of cash level in portfolio.
35 42 Week / Evaluate the various depositary systems through NSDL mechanism Depositary operations- The basic bricks The Basic Bricks Understanding the rationale and role for a depository. The services provided by a depository. The process involved in a depository’s functioning. Importance of proper customer identification The application software of NSDL. Mechanisms Pledging/ Hypothecation; Securities Lending & Borrowing; Corporate actions; Public issues; Debt instruments and G-Securities; NSC/KVP in Demat form; MAPIN and TIN Measuring Progress Class Test Number Four
36 43 Week / Evaluate the various depositary systems through NSDL mechanism The Processes and follow up- Depositary Continued Settlement Account opening of beneficiaries; Clearing members and intermediaries; Transmission & nomination; Dematerialization and re-materialization; Trading & settlement; Off-market transfers; Pay-in and pay-out procedures; Settlement of trades and precautions; Internet initiatives by NSDL. The laws profile Overview of relevant laws and regulations; the primary and the secondary market and the capital market intermediaries
37 44 Week / Analyze the role of banking system in Indian economy. Fundamentals of Banking Interphase Development: Familiarizing with the fundamentals of banking with insight into the policies and practices followed in the Indian banking system To improve ones awareness of the policies and practices in the Indian banking sector
38 45-47 Week / Identify, analyze business Development, Entrepreneurship and E-Trading. Relationship skills, Selling Skills and business Development. Corporate Governance Control and Governance To adopt the best corporate governance policies and practices. Important concepts related to corporate governance and the regulatory framework governing it. The clause 49 of the listing agreement. And the disclosure and reporting requirements for companies.
39 45-47 Week / Identify, analyze business Development, Entrepreneurship and E-Trading. Relationship skills, Selling Skills and business Development. Internal control and compliance Mechanism Avoidance of Fraud Disclosures Compliance of conditions of the listing agreement with respect to corporate governance. Disclosure requirements; Reporting requirements; Related party transactions Corporate Governance Failures Class room discussion
40 45-47 Week / Identify, analyze business Development, Entrepreneurship and E-Trading. Relationship skills, Selling Skills and business Development. Other aspects of business development Entrepreneurship How to become a member of an exchange Setting up the IT system Hiring quality manpower Back office set up Getting familiar with the laws governing exchange E-Trading – Where the street meets the Web Easing in – A quick tour of e-trading portals Finding investment ideas – List of picks, searches & Screens Doing your homework – Checking facts The bottom line – Managing your portfolio online
41 Important topic Capital adequacy
42 Important topic Communication Skill
43 Important topic History of Indian Civilization
44 Important topic how the Prize Effect in Economy
45 Important topic How to Thank People
46 Important topic Internet
47 Important topic Ms-Excel
48 Important topic MS-Powrpoint
49 Important topic Ms-Word
50 Important topic Ocupational Safety and health legistations in india
51 Important topic Resume Building
52 Important topic Trading Clearing Settlement System
53 Important topic What are the guideline for Women at work?
54 Important topic What is Economics
55 Important topic What is Group Discussion
56 Important topic What is Planned Economy?
57 Important topic What is Risk Management | Principles of Risk Management
58 Important topic What is techniques of Interviewing?
59 Important topic What is the Concept of quarantine?
60 Important topic What is Transaction Cycle in Trading
61 Important topic Dow Theory
62 Important topic Debt instruments for SEBI